Emotional cuddling 1
Having traded his gothic pajamas for a metal shirt did little o stop the other from teasing Syndey.
“‘Sydney, you look like an edgelord!’” he mocked, “‘Sydney, you look like a try hard!’”
“You look wonderful always “TJ sad, kissing him in the cheek.
Both were in the couch, Carl and Flynn watching Chase dance and werk
“Yeh, work that beauty.” Carl cheered.
“Just tell me if Leo’s around, okay” said a relaxed but mildly nervous Chase, “Don’t want him to throw a hissy fit.”
“He’s right over there” Flynn pointed o the door.
Chase nearly screamed and fell on the floor.
But there was something at the door. A white figure with no nose (basically socketman from the game). He had no nose. It was…
“Fuck off!” Flynn said, squirting water at the thing until it went away.